Is it Necessary for Professional Car Interior Cleaning Services?

Next powered by EA Detailer Felix Lin


Most car owners believe that interior cleaning of a car will be to wipe off dust particles and interior cabin vacuuming will be sufficient. Yes, it does look clean but such actions are generally more for normal upkeeping purposes.

Treatment process such as washing of the seats and panels, cleansing to freshen them up, disinfecting and sanitizing to kill off germs and bacterias which is invisible to the naked human eye.

Let’s pause and think these questions to ourselves.

#1 – Would you agree that our vehicles are dirtier than our home, and most of us will spend more time traveling in our vehicles?

#2 – Would you agree that there are germs, bacteria spreading all around us outdoors which subconciously, we will also bring in these germs & bacteria into our vehicle by touching our steering wheel, door panels, aircon switches etc?

#3 – Would you agree the car has a direct interaction in “receiving” these germs, bacteria and at times new “friends” such as cockroaches /bugs as compared to our homes?

#4 – Pre-schools and child care centre take extra caution and effort to sanitize the environment for young aged children who visits the premises almost on daily basis. Upon a child enters the Pre-school or child care centre, he/she will be checked of the body temperature for signs of falling sick such as fever and flu. Parents will be advised and recommended to bring their child/children to the doctor for immediate attention.

#5 – Most of us keep homes well cleaned up but overlooked in caring for our vehicles. As our children who are still in the growing phase and may not have a strong immune system like a normal adult, they may be more prone in falling sick.

To minimise / avoid any possible risks of uncleaned environment for our family, ourselves and our children, weekly basis of car wash, vacuuming of the car cabin interior is recommended to be done at least once a week regardless our busy schedule. This can be done easily on DIY basis even while bonding you’re your family.

Professional interior cleaning service usually covers more extensive steps in purging of possible cockroaches & bugs, sanitizing of the interior cabin, washing away of stubborn dirt and stains on our leather, fabric or alcantara seats etc. Such processes requires specialised equipment which is quite irrelevant and may be costly to purchase. Specialised equipment may also require skills and experience for proper handling. Recommended regular basis will be once 3 to 5 month.

To make an appointment with us today, call us at 6917 8396