How Does Coronavirus Spread in a Car?

Next powered by EA Detailer Felix Lin

How much do you understand about how infections can possibly happen inside a car interior?

Being an enclosed area, our car interiors can contain and help spread viruses that cause infectious diseases like Covid-19.

When an infected person coughs or exhales, small droplets from the nose or mouth land on surfaces in the car. Coronaviruses survive on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Other passengers, who can be family or friends can get infected when they come in contact with the surfaces of the small droplets, containing the virus, and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.

To maintain virus-free, clean and ensure ultimate safety during every trip, Erostitzer Self Disinfecting Coating service is introduced to ease this process in killing bacteria, germs and virus on various surfaces parts within your car interior.

At EA Detailer, we care for the safety of everyone. We are also pleased to announce that we are extending a 20% off on this Self Disinfecting Coating service and a free gift selection (out of 6 choices); valid from 1 August to 31 August 2020.

Check out our promotions online today! If you have further queries, call us at 69178396 for further queries or drop us a message via our Business WhatsApp here